
Appends a condition to the query's WHERE clause

// …FROM mountain WHERE height > ?…
Query qMountainsGreaterThan = table("mountain").qb.where("height", '>');

// …FROM mountain WHERE height > ?…
// Pre-sets the value `8000` for the dynamic paramter.
Query qMountainsGreaterThan = table("mountain").qb.where("height", '>', 8000);

// …FROM people WHERE ago > ? AND age < ?…
// Pre-sets the values 60 and 100 for the dynamic paramters.
Query qOver60butNot100yet = table("people").qb
    .where("age", '>', 60)
    .where("age", ComparisonOperator.lessThan, 100)

// …FROM people WHERE name = ? OR name = ?…
Query qNameAorB = table("people").qb
    .where   ("name", '=')
    .where!or("name", '=')              // explicit !or as !and is the default

